This handbook provides guidance on the energy efficiency requirements for commercial buildings, including Class 3 and Class 5 to Class 9 buildings.

07.2024 Handbook

This handbook assists in understanding the sound insulation regulatory requirements of the NCC in Volumes One and Two that apply to Class 1, 2, 3 and 9c buildings.

06.2024 Handbook

PCD 2025 - Alternative referenced documents

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Use of an Accredited Testing Laboratory

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Fire hazard properties

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - NCC Referenced documents

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Hybrid photoluminescent exit signs

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Re-entry from fire-isolated exits

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Assisting future electrification and EV charging in homes

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Housing energy efficiency - thermal breaks

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Apartment energy efficiency - centralised heated water systems

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Improvements to plumbing provisions

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Adequate toilets for women

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Improving fire safety Performance Solutions

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Improving structural Performance Solutions

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Improving waterproofing and water shedding provisions

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Condensation mitigation

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Carpark fire safety improvements

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Commercial building energy efficiency

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Waterproofing and water shedding impact analysis placemat

05.2024 Report

PCD 2025 - Condensation mitigation placemat

05.2024 Report