NCC Essentials is an education resource developed by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). It provides a range of presentations on National Construction Code (NCC) related topics for educators, practitioners and students in the building and plumbing industry. These presentations aim to introduce the NCC and provide some examples to practically apply it.

NCC Essentials is in a PowerPoint format with notes, worked examples and a set of multiple choice questions with answers. For educators, the content provides the opportunity to include your institution’s branding and livery. Best of all, you can deliver it in a way that best suits your audience.

NCC Essentials makes it easier for everyone to understand and interpret the NCC in a simple, user-friendly way. The ready-made, simple presentation style makes NCC Essentials a great start if you are looking to build your knowledge or teach about the NCC.

Best of all, it’s free!